Director Nominations Closing Date
Pacific Edge advises that its Annual Shareholder Meeting will be held on Thursday 27 July 2023 starting at 10am.
For the purposes of Listing Rule 2.3.2, Pacific Edge advises that the closing date for Director nominations is Tuesday 6 June 2023. All nominations must be received by 4.00pm on the closing date.
Nominations may only be made by a shareholder entitled to attend and vote at the Annual Shareholder Meeting and must be accompanied by a consent in writing by the nominated person.
Nominations should be either emailed to investors@pacificedge.co.nz or addressed to:
Director Nominations
Pacific Edge Limited
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9016
New Zealand
The ASM will be held at Link Market Services, 15 Customs Street West Level 30 Auckland, Auckland 1010. For catering purposes, you may register by following the link:
Pacific Edge Ltd Annual Shareholder Meeting 2023
Note: you do not require a ticket, or registration to attend the meeting, but this will allow us to cater appropriately.
Further details, including proxy voting forms and details of any resolutions will be provided in the Notice of Meeting, which will be sent to shareholders prior to the meeting.