Cxbladder In-Home Sampling Program Discussed in BCAN Patient Webinar
BCAN in the USA provides thousands of patients, caregivers and the medical community with the educational resources and support services they need to navigate their bladder cancer journey. In a recent BCAN webinar for patients and families, leading US urologist, Dr Sia Daneshmand, specifically talks about in-home testing using “Cxbladder as an option for patients who are not considered to be high or low risk, but want to do something to get reassurance. In-home testing is also being investigated as a feasible solution for urology care beyond COVID-19”.
What you should know about COVID-19 and Bladder Cancer
Stephanie Chisolm, Director of Education & Research at the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN); Sia Daneshmand, MD (Keck School of Medicine, USC); Professor Sandy Srinivas (Stanford Medicine); and Alec Koo, MD
Discussion of Cxbladder begins at 28:12 (part 1), 46:50 (part 2):
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