Profile: Mia Wright

Mia Wright
Qualification: MASc Data Science
Role at Pacific Edge: Clinical Trials Assistant
Mia recently made the transition from Intern to full time Clinical Trials Assistant. We asked Mia some questions about her internship and the shift in role.
What drew you to applying for an internship at Pacific Edge?
I was looking for a summer internship where I could apply the skills I had developed during undergrad, and I wanted to work in a different field of science to what I am used to in computer and data science. The internship role at Pacific Edge seemed perfect.
What did you enjoy about the internship?
I really enjoyed applying the things I had learnt during my degree; it made me feel a lot more confident in my skills. Being able to work with clinical data and seeing how my work could help others was great. I also enjoyed being able to work with different applications and writing SQL code which I didn’t do a lot of during undergrad.
As a general comment, the team at Pacific Edge are so friendly and fun. They made me feel really welcome and a part of the group which helped me to settle in and enjoy the internship.
What aspects of the internship did you find most useful?
Getting the chance to work with and learn from the team at Pacific Edge. Over the course of the internship, I learnt so much about clinical studies and data which I then tried to incorporate into my Masters. There was a lot of trial and error but there was always someone to ask if I needed help or just wanted to discuss a problem.
Tell us about your new role at Pacific Edge.
My role at Pacific Edge now is Clinical Trials Assistant; it’s pretty similar to my internship. The requirement varies by study, but mostly I write code to create reports for the inner workings of each of the clinical trials. The main difference is that I’m spreading my time across a range of trials, instead of just focusing on a few like I did in the internship.
How have you found the transition from university to a commercial setting?
I found the transition good; going from the grind of exams and assignments to the structure of working was really nice. The internship really helped with this. I was able to apply all the skills that I had learnt in Uni to real world examples. At the same time I was being supported by a team of awesome people who could help if I got stuck. The environment is friendly and collaborative so everyday feels fun and enjoyable.
What do you love about the Dunedin lifestyle now that you’ve finished university?
I’ve been enjoying life as student at Otago for a few years now, but I got to know a different side of the city whilst working here over the summer. It has such a relaxed and friendly culture, and there are so many nice walks and fun activities, especially over the warmer months.
Any general advice or tips for aspiring interns?
I think my advice would be just to apply. Even if you aren’t sure your science background is right, you never know exactly what they may be looking for. You aren’t expected to know everything, and the team really wants you to learn as much as you can and have a good time. Be confident in the things you have learnt and eager to learn more.
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